Transform Your Advisory Practice with Seeds – The Ultimate Investing Platform

Ready to see how Seeds gives you the tools you need to attract, retain, and engage new-gen investors at scale?

Book a personalized demo with their team.

Many tools for financial advisors overcomplicate the investment process and undervalue the client's investing experience. Seeds is different. Rather than leveraging multiple disconnected systems across the investing journey, Seeds empowers advisors with a comprehensive investor assessment, portfolio proposals, custom investment solutions, and portfolio operations—all in one digital solution.

Seeds is simply the end-to-end investing platform for financial advisors who want to deliver more value to clients, faster. Quickly but deeply assess every investor, propose custom diversified portfolios, and implement--all in minutes. Some of Seeds' latest features include:

  • Custom Direct Indexing: Use Seeds' assessment tools to capture three-dimensional investor personas and deliver direct indexing across asset classes.

  • Tax-Loss Harvesting: Show clients the power and performance benefits of daily harvesting across every security.

  • Tax Transition: Impress prospects with proposals to seamlessly transition existing portfolios within custom tax budget constraints.

  • Automated Rebalancing: Set asset allocations around client goals and allow Seeds to keep portfolios to target.

  • Account Consolidation: Simplify client portfolios by merging assets into unified managed accounts (UMAs) to enhance tax efficiency, rebalancing, and withdrawals.

  • Withdrawal Optimization: Set monthly cash raise requirements rather than spending time with manual, ad hoc cash requests.

Using Seeds, advisors can maximize a meaningful investing experience while minimizing the operational burden. This means less time behind the scenes and more time in front of clients, closing deals quickly, and growing your business effectively.

Ready to see how Seeds gives you the tools you need to attract, retain, and engage new-gen investors at scale? Book a personalized demo with their team here.